Hvilken personlighetstype er du?


Dani Johnson var ei blakk, hjemløs servitrise som i løpet av kort tid ble millionær.

Jeg var på seminar med henne i Florida i fjor. Hun har blant annet utviklet et system med ulike personlighetstyper som heter GEMS. Jeg har selv dratt stor nytte av dette både i jobb og privat.  Les beskrivelse av de ulike personlighetstypene nedenfor. Hvilken føler du deg mest lik? 🙂


A Sapphire loves socializing, they’re the life of the party, and they are motivated by fun. They like to be around a lot of people. They love variety interacting with others. They never see the negative side of a situation. They love recognition. In fact, they will work harder for recognition than they ever will for money.

From Sapphires, we can learn to not be so serious and that life can be fun if we let it.

However, Sapphires can improve by understanding not everyone is as positive as them. Sapphires often hurt other people’s feeling by seeming to not care, when really they’re just looking at the positive side of things.

For a Sapphire to enjoy the ultimate writer’s life, they should focus on working with companies that offer recognition and praise. Fundraising or speech writing might be a good niche for a Sapphire.

If your potential client is a Sapphire, make a point to praise their previous successes and always have something positive to say.


All the Gems want to help people. But helping is the prime motivator for a Pearl. They are not motivated by money. They usually have strong convictions and are called to action by a cause.

They are thoughtful and patient. They love to serve others and do not like to argue.

A Pearl loves to talk about their family. They are okay with sharing personal information while they are getting to know someone. If a Pearl senses that someone is a fake, they will lose trust in them.

Pearls, like Sapphires, love people and being around them, but not in large noisy groups.

Pearls prefer long-term relationships. They’ll be your best friends for life. They are good listeners and prefer talking to someone one on one. They are trustworthy, loyal, and true to their word.

From Pearls, we can learn the importance of helping others and keeping our word.

However, Pearls often get walked on and taken advantage of because they are so helpful. They can improve their own lives by being a bit more selective in how often they help others. It’s okay to say no if it’s not in their best interest to be helpful in a certain situation.

If you’re a Pearl, try to avoid doing too much “free” work. It might make you feel good, but it will delay your progress on your real goals.

To appeal to a prospective client that is a Pearl, use real stories (remember, they can detect if you’re fake) about your previous clients and how you’ve helped them.


Emeralds are motivated by facts and figures. Everything is black and white.

They are often weak in communication and they are judged as insensitive and cold-hearted – but they’re not. They are articulate. They are very clear with their speech so they won’t be misunderstood, and they always ask, “Why?”

Emeralds are problem solvers who come up with multiple solutions to each problem. They spend a lot of time on research to evaluate each possible solution to make sure they pick the right one. They also tend to be perfectionists and want to figure it all out before starting.

Emeralds can teach us to be more true to our word and to become more organized. They know it’s important to follow through, follow up, and do the tasks to the best of their abilities. That is something we should all strive to do.

If you’re an Emerald, you might be stuck in the learning phase. You can move past it by choosing one niche and getting started in just that area.

Also, to avoid missed opportunities, you should focus on making decisions faster.

If you have a potential client who is an Emerald, be sure to give them a lot of proof of your abilities. Include specific facts and figures about the results you’ve been able to get for other clients. Don’t leave them with lingering questions. Emeralds will do their own research, but if you give them what they need, you’ll impress them and win a sale.


Rubies like to win. They are motivated by challenges, but if they can’t win, they won’t play. They like to have the best of everything. They like to be unique and stand out. Rubies constantly have to be striving for a goal, a next step, or another challenge. Rubies are often business owners and entrepreneurs because they like to lead.

Rubies are often missing sleep and skipping breakfast because they are incredibly productive and get more done in one day than anybody else.

Rubies are proud of their accomplishments and want to tell you about them. They are also blessed with extra confidence and they’re not afraid to take a risk. They are direct and to the point, even if it hurts someone’s feelings.

If you’re a Ruby, you’re probably applying for every job that comes along, but by narrowing your focus and putting more effort into a few proposals, you’ll get better results. Also, Rubies typically need to work on their communication skills with the other Gems and learn to be more sensitive to others’ feelings.

If you have a potential client who is a Ruby, you can impress them by being an idea generator, making yourself available so they can be more productive, and by not getting offended if they hurt your feelings.

Det finnes haugevis av personlighetstypesystemer og tester og de er selvfølgelig ikke 100% eksakte, men jeg synes selv det er supert å bruke systemer som dette for å forstå mennesker bedre. Dette er også mye av det jeg lærer på coachingen. Det at vi mennesker er ulike og at vi må snakke ulike språk til ulike personlighetstyper for at vi skal forstå hverandre bedre.

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